OK, let's get one thing straight. I do not pack lightly. Ever. If I'm going somewhere on a night out, I rock up with at least three outfits, 'just in case'. I am the girl who took an extension lead on a camping trip to the countryside in the hope I'd find somewhere to plug in a CD player. And I never go anywhere without two of my most prized possessions - my heated rollers and my fake eyelashes. I would not call myself vain or high maintenance by any means - I admit that, without a decent spray tan, I do resemble a milk bottle and I can leave the house without looking like I'm going to a photo shoot. Being a Scouse girl, it is drummed into you from an early age to take pride in your appearance; undoubtedly, as those of you who have experienced a night out in the 'Pool have witnessed, some girls take this to the extreme. One cannot escape viewings of girls in Topshop wearing their rollers on a Saturday afternoon and, more recently, the appearance of the 'Scousebrow' (Google it if you don't know what I mean).
It's always been a dream of mine to travel the world - studying languages at university helped me to discover life beyond England and, after 3 years of doing a job that I knew wasn't for me, decided it was time for a change. Luckily enough, my boyfriend felt the same way, so we booked to head to India, South East Asia and Australia to start a new chapter in both of our lives. Anyway, my point is that when I decided to give up my job and the cosmetic comforts of home to embark on a life changing adventure across the world, a few questions popped to mind. First of all, how big was the biggest rucksack known to man? Where could I buy one? And lastly, how on earth do I pack for 18 months?? On my year abroad a few years back I moved to Paris and Valencia for 4 and 6 months respectively. That year I kept EasyJet and Ryanair in business with the amounts I paid in excess luggage. And I wasn't carrying that stuff on my back either. Oh God, this was going to be a nightmare...
Friends reassured me: 'You'll be fine, when you've got a tan you literally won't care what you're wearing. Everything will look good'. For starters, how can walking shoes look good on anyone? (Although mine are quite snazzy - black and 'hot' pink!) And just 4 bikinis? Really? I had 10 originally, but according an article I read on 'What to take travelling', I had to be 'cruel to be kind' and cut anything unnecessary. The author was obviously male. Anyway, after a dummy run packing, I realised my compact 60 litre pack was a tad on the small side. The sleeping bag barely fitted in, let alone my selection of tribal leggings and harem pants (None of this would be suitable to wear at home, but were impulse purchases with the mentality 'I'll definitely wear this travelling'. We will see). I then had to seek out a larger model (I am forever in your debt Mr Blundell).
Preparing to go travelling has given me an insight into what the world of a backpacker might be like - carefree and relaxed, going from place to place with nothing but the bag on your back and a mind full of memories. With so much stress in our daily lives, who wouldn't want a bit of that? So what if I haven't taken my Moroccan hair oil? In fact, dare I say it, I'm quite looking forward to going 'au naturel' in terms of being fresh faced - I'm just not sure the other half is fully prepared to witness it everyday for the next 18 months!
So, the bloody thing's packed now and I'm leaving it well and truly sealed until we get to Mumbai. I'll then worry about how to strategically fit everything in again; failing that, I might adopt some sort of donkey/carthorse to accompany me along the way....
I reactivated my FB to get a peek at this! Loving the 1st installment N-Gib.. keep 'em coming! Bloz x